I hate that, but lately (as in, the last five years), I've been too self-conscious about what I eat, when I exercise, my caloric intake and how many I've burned on the treadmill, etc. Not good, and really annoying, I think. If I conversed with my friends about my self-esteem and lack thereof, I'm sure they wouldn't take it well. My buds are not that feminine supportive. Really, it's like having a group of guy friends that would prefer to call me a dumbass and punch me in the arm. Oddly, I think I prefer this, because it stops me from getting mopey. I can just blog it out, and move on (usually). Sooo... I've blogged it out. And, I'm over it (-ish).
Hmmm. What else to say. I went shopping with an acquantaince but wants-to-be-my-friend from my university, and it was, aside from boring, depressing. She lives fairly comfortably, and I have student loans and tuition fees to care about. Needless to say, after visiting Lacoste, Holt Renfrew and a plethora (pfft) of other stores that I can only afford when my parents are funding the shopping spree, I was less than chipper (on the inside!) =( Also, I hate the inane conversation that most girls (that I know, who aren't in my close circle of friends) like to occupy themselves with. How many times can you say, "No, I do not think that such and such is into you." or "I think that top is a bit too "Dirrty" for daytime". Seriously.
That steak looks ridiculously good. *drool*.
Mmmmmm! I know! Unfortunately, it's just a googled image :P
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