Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Things that I cannot stand.

1) Mariah Carey. First of all, her music genre and style aren't my taste, but I used to (when I was four or five, and completely subjected to the music preferences of older family and friends) love one of her songs ("Always Be My Baby"). That said, she seems so over to me... I can't imagine anyone who still likes her music, or can even appreciate it as quality. There seems to be an obvious decline in quality of the stuff she's been putting out lately (her last 3 or 4 albums). Plus, she almost exclusively sings in a falsetto voice, which is hardly impressive (IMO)! Keep in mind I haven't purchased, or even downloaded, an album of hers in many years, so I'm basing this on the singles she puts out that make it to radio.

2) The radio. Seriously, all stations on FM play essentially, the same thing. There is a huge overlap in song selection, and such a limited playlist. I hate the chatter DJs engage in between songs. There is nothing redeeming about radio. I honestly cannot think of one station (FM) that I would listen to and enjoy consistently. That said, AM radio (only the news, actually) is useful. And informative, in a brief way.

3) Oprah. So self-indulgent and insistent on her own interests. I could write an essay, 3000 words or more, on the reasons why I am anti-Winfrey.

4) People who watch Oprah, and consider Oprah somewhat of a sage for personal or profesional or any (for that matter) advice. Among my regrets in life is that one of my favourite novels, Anna Karenina, was an Oprah's Book Club choice. Seriously. Oh! And I hate how her guests always gush about how inspiring or admirable she is.

5) Letterman. I don't get the humour, and I don't think it's intelligent. Period. The Top Ten Lists aren't funny... and I challenge anyone to explain to me why they are. They aren't clever political satire or tongue-in-cheek or anything. NOTHING SPECIAL. It is no more intellectual than Jay Leno, yet Leno always gets chided for being dumb humour. Also, Letterman is rude to his guests. I'm not a celebrity supporter, but I hate when talk show hosts don't show respect and cordialness to their guests (that said, I hate when guests are arrogant and standoffish to the host).

6) Colds and flus. For reasons mentioned in previous posts.

7) Retail. I hate working retail. I've had to work a few retail positions being a student, and I absolutely hate it. I hate having to be friendly and courteous to people who are disrespectful and annoying. And usually pushy.

8) Making new friends. I suck at socializing. I seriously think I might have some type of borderline antisocial disorder. I am horrible at conversing with people I don't know, and I need to force myself to be interested in others.

9) Bigots. I hate closeminded and ignorant people. There are two types of people who can never lose an argument, extremely intelligent, knowledgeable and articulate people, and stupid people. Unfortunately, stupid people seem to be a lot more common.
10) People who spell "loser" with too O's.

11) People who don't use correct spelling or grammar excessively (to the point of incoherence) on MSN, Facebook, Myspace, etc.

12) Long nails (on women, but on men too, for that matter). Especially when the person is cooking food.

13) Nail polished fingers cooking or preparing food. Handling food, mainly. It grosses me out.

14) Dry elbows. Moisturize, people. Moisturize.

I'll probably post a "Things I can stand and/or lurrrve" sometime in the future. It'll probably be a shorter list. Ha!


Ivonne said...

I agree with everything, except for the ones about Oprah.
Come on! How can you not love Mama O? She was the one who taught me to only wear dark wash jeans to make my legs look smaller. Sometimes my mom will tell me "I bought these great pair of Oprah jeans..".

And I'm borderline antisocial too. I can't get to know people. It's so weird.

Daisy said...

Douche: I wish I could agree with you... However, I do agree that a lot of what she says is valid and useful.

Nice to hear we're similar in our antisocial-ness! =P

Ivonne said...

Where are you?! Update now!