Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Stole this from Therapeutic Ramblings...

maybe i should... start getting ready to leave.
i love... my dogs. a few of my friends. reading good books. wikipedia-ing things. going to concerts. etcetera.
i don’t understand... why sometimes my keyboard acts like a douche and makes my typing stupid. Case and point (case IN point... I never know!): apostrophe=è, question mark=É.
when I wake up in the morning... I usually want another hour of REM. I like my dreams.
i lost... confidence in knowing whatès (damnit) going to happen in my future, what I am going to do in life (the particulars!)
life is full of...snippets of things that usually seem insignificant when they happen, but in hindsight always mean more. And ironically, the important things always seem to be less of a big deal. A regression to the mean, it seems.
my past is full of... wasted experiences, good times with friends, happy kid times, happy adult times. etc.
i get annoyed when... parents who dont parent (agreed!)
parties are... great when the sole expectation isn't just to get shitfaced.
i wish i had more... money, time, and puppies! (half kidding).
dogs... often kick humans' ass. (the collective ass of humans).
cats... sub-dogs in their goodness.
tomorrow i'm...attending a seminar at school about my future.
i have low tolerance for... pain. Also ignorant people (agreed!) and dirt.
i’m totally terrified of... losing my friends (the ones I care about) and disappointing my parents. Having to settle professionally and personally.
i wonder why... my laziness>fear of failure.
never in my life have i... not played "never have i ever". nor have i cheated on a boyfriend.
high school was... began shittily, but climaxed near the end (that's what she said!).
when i’m nervous i... ramble, or get quiet. or get fidgety.
one time at a family gathering... i had to sing karaoke. I have a ridiculous fear about singing in public (except around friends and closecloseclose family). My family is uber-serious about karaoke, and I cannot perform (vocally, ha!).
making my bed...happens whenever someone's visiting.
i'm almost always... playing with my hands, grooming my fingers and nails. It's a nervous habit.
im addicted to ... the hills. Seriously.
i want someone to... tell me they love me and let me lean on their shoulder, and have them rest their head on mine.


Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Good times!

StaCey said...

A fellow Hills addict. The insanity.

StaCey said...
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Daisy said...

Stacey: It's bad, eh? :P