Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Who, what, wear.

To familiarize you all with the identity of "Chloe" (pseudonym, of course), here's a brief and factual introduction.

  • female
  • university student (psychology major)
  • lovelovelove indie and rock music
  • same for fashion
  • Canadian (Ontario, precisely)
  • intelligent (standardized testing tells me so, 98th percentile!!)
  • compulsive liar (not bad enough to be diagnosed, though :))
  • loves animals, but misanthropic
  • heterosexual, but loves looking at pornography and fantasizing about attractive ladies
  • loves the television. For reals.
  • it's true! Names are changed, details changed.

That's it, for now. Stay tuned for my personal, educational, sexual, professional, etc. adventures!


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