Saturday, April 26, 2008


Holy canoli! (sp?) I didn't realize that I haven't posted in almost 20 days!

Jeeze. I was worse than I thought!

PS I might get a new dog.
It looks something like this:
Fucking adorable, right? (This isn't the actual dog, but it's got a similar vibe..?). She's a rescue.
This will bring my dog total to three. Which is the legal limit in my town, hahaha. I will end up a dog lady as an old person. Cat ladies are so passé (kidding! They are... timeless? Ha!).
Hmmm. That is all.


Therapeutic Ramblings said...


Daisy said...

TR: I lurve dogs! This didn't end up going through though... the resident dog got ill, and I didn't want to introduce a new one while the current one wasn't in top condition.

Have any dogs of your own?

StaCey said...

Adorable. I'm such a crazy dog lady NOW, I wonder how much worse it will be when I'm old.