Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Runny noses and sore throats.

Anyways, as previously mentioned, I am sick. The worst feeling in the world, especially since my illnesses are never over once they're over. It takes like, three weeks (?!?) to fully get over them, in the mean time my nose runs at the most random, inappropriate moments (on the subway, sans tissues; in class, again, w/o tissues, etc). But, I'm still not there yet. I am still sick, sick.

Question: I should probably know this, and I could Wikipedia the answer, but does anyone know why noses get runny? I realize it's the increase in mucus production to release bacteria/viruses/invasive things, but why does the mucus get really liquidy (TMI?)? Like water? Blech! I'd imagine it's just an overproduction of mucus, so there isn't time for it to... congeal? (I'm thinking that's the wrong word).

Anyways. I'm basically tres occupied with academics right now... the end of term is approaching, meaning I have finals and final assignments (essays ga-lore) to complete.

That said, I'll try to keep posting.




Therapeutic Ramblings said...

From my understanding, the body is trying to expunge whatever is bothering it, so a denser mucus wouldn't facility that as much.

Anonymous said...

(from Daisy to TR): Huh, interesting and reasonable! I'll buy it. Thanks!