Saturday, April 5, 2008

Foreign exchange students.

I had sex tonight, about four hours ago. French guy from my university. Seriously, I'm against irrational stereotypes and racial prejudices, but whoever said Frenchmen were effective in bed were definitely spot on.

We'll call him "Pierre". Pierre was fucking amazing (haha, pun-ish?). A bit too slow for my tastes, but a romantic tryst savant... And a great kisser. Ahhh, plus he paid for dinner (sushi and sake), and we got to do my favourite part of the date (pre-coital activities) where we walk intertwined down the sidewalk, illuminated by streetlights and traffic, but under a really dark sky. So pretty and cinematic. I really enjoy these types of moments: when you're practically stumbling as you walk, because the position of the two of you is awkward (too close, different heights... etc), but it's worth to be able to stay warm and close the way home. Ahhh, lovelovelove it.

Anyway. He lives in an apartment off campus, with a roommate (who's gone home for the weekend). Tiny apartment. Real estate that's affordable and close to campus is necessarily sketchy dilapidated and/or a grow-op. Anyway, we fucked on a ridiculous looking metal framed bed with unmatching bed linens and a bicycle hanging on the door. I'm sort of fascinated by bilingual and multilingual people, I always wonder how their thinking process sounds to them... are they constantly translating things (as I had to do when learning to speak French), or do they confuse the two languages, you know? As we were intercourse-ing, he would mutter/gasp French words. So hot.

And with that, good night.


Therapeutic Ramblings said...


Daisy said...

Ha, yeah. I tend to verb/gerondif (English equivalent is gerund, I think?) any noun if I can't think of a suitable synonym or word.

Ivonne said...

Hmm.. I'm fully bilingual. Spanish is my native tongue and I don't translate as I think. It just comes natural. It's like there's a switch in your brain that lets you think/speak in one language or the other. But still, I prefer my conversations in Spanish because I can speak faster. That said, being able to use multiple languages when intercoursing (ha! loved that word) is priceless.

Daisy said...

Douche: Interesting! I always imagined that one would have to translate everything, but super quick so that speech wasn't delayed =P